Can CBD help control public speaking anxiety?

Reduce stress and regain self-confidence with Harbl’s CBD range!
For some people speaking in public is exciting, exhilarating and effortless but for others it’s a terrifying experience and one to avoid at all costs!
The fear of public speaking is an expression of nervous anxiety and it’s more than just having sweaty hands when one gets onstage.
People experience stress, shaking, sweating, nausea, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms and other physical displays of anxiety while heartbeat and breathing rates go through the roof.
Additionally, serious cases can even lead to panic attacks.
It can make daily activities challenging or even impossible to complete – from excelling in academic classes to presenting at business meetings and attending social gatherings.
Today, a lot of people suffer from public speaking anxiety, also known as mic fright, stage fright or in severe cases – glossophobia.
“If you suffer from anxiety when speaking in public – CBD is a wellness supplement you might find helpful” says the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry.
Cannabidiol or CBD – extracted from the hemp plant – may work within the endocannabinoid system to reduce anxiety and stress.
This internal system regulates the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol and when one consumes CBD, it binds to cannabinoid receptors and has the potential to modulate the body’s response to stress.
Several studies published by the National Library of Medicine on public speaking-related anxiety found that CBD, to an extent, did ease feelings of anxiety when taken at certain doses.
Such as – in 2011, a small trial-tested CBD on participants with generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) and healthy control patients undergoing a simulated public speaking test (SPST), which is a common anxiety testing method.
Compared to a placebo, CBD significantly reduced anxiety and discomfort in the participants with SAD.
In fact, their reduced anxiety levels were comparable to those of the control participants.
Eight years later in 2019, another test compared the efficacy of three CBD doses (150 milligrams, 300 milligrams and 600 milligrams) and a placebo in men taking an SPST.
Compared to a placebo, 300 milligrams of CBD significantly reduced participants’ anxiety during the speech, but the 150-milligram and 600-milligram doses did not.
These results highlight how dosage can be highly variable and that more CBD isn’t necessarily more effective.
If you’re suffering from public speaking anxiety – Harbl’s CBD range is here to help!
From our collection, a combination of Harbl Focus and Harbl Relax featuring calming properties and soothing effects will help reduce stress, ease the mind and regain self-confidence during public speaking.
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